Great website content is vital in order to get the message of your business across. You can’t rely on a great website design to attract visitors – it’s the WORDS on your website that bring visitors to your site and it’s the STORY that keeps them there.
When Word Dynamics works with you to develop or improve the content of your website, one of the first priorities is to understand your brand identity (or work with you to develop this if you don’t already have an identity that makes you special).
The next step is to develop an appropriate website STRUCTURE so it’s easy for your visitors to see exactly where they need to navigate to in order to read what it is that they want to know about your story.
Then of course, it's all about writing your STORY so it is consistent with your brand, relevant to your audience, and has a good smattering of appropriate keywords.
A section for FAQs is also a good idea – not only does this make it easy for your visitors to find answers to questions they may have, it can help with search engine results and rankings.
I'm passionate about great website copy so to find out how Word Dynamics can write a engaging website content for your business, contact Pauline on 0400 514579 / or simply contact me using the form below.
“High quality web content that’s useful, usable and enjoyable is one of the greatest competitive advantages you can create for yourself online.”
Word Dynamics – Website Content and copy writing services for Brisbane, Gold Coast, Queensland, Sydney, NSW, Melbourne, Victoria, Adelaide, SA, Hobart, Tasmania, Canberra, ACT, Perth, WA, Darwin and NT.