If you want to grow your business, no two ways about it, you need a marketing plan. It may all be in your head but if you don't have it down on paper your team can't follow it and more importantly you can't measure it.
You marketing plan should identify who your target customers are, how you will reach them, how you will convert them to paying customers and how you will retain them and get repeat business from them.
In a Marketing Communications Plan, particular attention is paid to the communication, promotion and PR aspects of the business, including budgets required and anticipated results. The plan should adapt as different tactics are introduced, based on the success or failure of the initiative.
To find out how Word Dynamics can write a comprehensive Marketing Plan for your business, contact Pauline on 0400 514579 / pauline@worddynamics.com.au or simply contact me using the form below.
“Hope is not a marketing plan”
Word Dynamics – Marketing Plan writing services for Brisbane, Gold Coast, Queensland, Sydney, NSW, Melbourne, Victoria, Adelaide, SA, Hobart, Tasmania, Canberra, ACT, Perth, WA, Darwin and NT.