It’s so easy to make user guides un-user friendly! When developing user guides, it’s important to remember that you will have users who range from knowing very little about your product, to users who have prior experience with your product or who are just naturally inclined to understand how your product works.
For this reason (and depending on the complexity of your product) I recommend that you produce both a step by step user guide (for new, non-technical users) and a summary guide (for more advanced users). The biggest challenge is to make complex instructions easy to follow and understand.
I love making the complex simple – to find out more about how Word Dynamics can write or help you with your user guide content, contact Pauline on 0400 514579 / or simply contact me using the form below.
“Where my reason, imagination or interest were not engaged, I would not or could not learn”
Word Dynamics – Creative user guide and copywriting services for Brisbane, Gold Coast, Queensland, Sydney, NSW, Melbourne, Victoria, Adelaide, SA, Hobart, Tasmania, Canberra, ACT, Perth, WA, Darwin and NT.